Contact Information
DMD Environmental, Inc.

3424 West Laskey Road
Toledo, Ohio  43623-4032

(419) 473-1980 - Telephone
(419) 473-1985 - Fax

DMD provides start to finish asbestos consulting options and provides first class service at an affordable price.

Asbestos Inspection

DMD has performed countless numbers of asbestos inspections for a wide variety of clients including commercial, manufacturing, schools, and residential. Asbestos inspections encompass multiple aspects including sampling, presence, location, condition, and quantities of asbestos containing materials (ACM). DMD performs asbestos inspections according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requirements. Asbestos inspections can be performed for renovation, demolition, and right to know. DMD can also perform asbestos sampling without conducting a full inspection.
Asbestos Air Monitoring

DMD has logged millions of hours performing asbestos air monitoring for residential, institutional, commercial, and school buildings. Since DMD is a third party consultant, we can ensure unbiased results. Whether air monitoring is associated with an asbestos abatement activity or as an informational source, it can greatly reduce liability issues, help ensure the health and safety of occupants and/or employees, and provide documentation that an area is safe to reoccupy. Air monitoring can be performed randomly throughout buildings or for contractors to meet OSHA compliance requirements. DMD’s trained and state certified staff performs air monitoring following the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 582 method utilizing air pumps. AHERA requires schools to have Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for their final air clearances in many cases. DMD can perform this form of air monitoring also.

Asbestos Project Management

DMD has spent many hours performing project management services in factories, commercial, and school buildings. DMD’s trained and state certified staff can perform supervision during abatement activities to ensure that the Contractor’s work area is contained and there are no asbestos fiber releases. DMD can review a Contractor’s performance and make recommendations to ensure work practices are safe and to fulfill EPA and/or OSHA compliance.
Asbestos Project Design

DMD has written 1000s of asbestos project designs for a wide variety of clients. DMD’s state certified Project Designer can generate specifications for any asbestos abatement project. A Project Designer specifies where the ACM is located, the quantity, and how it is to be removed. A Project Designer is also involved with the review of asbestos abatement contractor bidder selection and can help ensure that a contractor meets all regulations and qualifications.
Asbestos Training

DMD has presented hundreds of asbestos training classes. DMD can provide initial and refresher training for awareness, right to know, or operations and maintenance workers. Awareness training involves the knowledge of what asbestos is, the health effects, where it is within a given location, and how to take proper care around the ACM. Operations and maintenance personnel can be trained to perform minor repairs and clean up of ACM. Trained operations and maintenance personal also have to undergo an annual respiratory fit test which DMD can also perform.
DMD has the following asbestos training and certifications:

• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Asbestos Building Inspector
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Asbestos Management Planner
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Asbestos Contractor Supervisor
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Asbestos Project Designer
• Ohio Department of Health (ODH) - Certified Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist (CAHES)
• Ohio Department of Health (ODH) - Certified Asbestos Hazard Abatement Specialist (CAHAS)
• Ohio Department of Health (ODH) - Certified Asbestos Abatement Project Designer (CPD)
• Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (MDLEG) - Asbestos Inspector
• Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (MDLEG) - Asbestos Management Planner
• Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (MDLEG) - Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor
• Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (MDLEG) - Asbestos Project Designer
• Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) – Asbestos Inspector